Until, it shows the title of the song: "Do The Pretzel" Feat. Now, Robbie, you've written a song for us to sing. So he relies on vibration, the sense of feel, in order to know what's going on around him. It combines rock and roll with rock and roll dancing. He dances in his eight legged pants. (to camera.) ), Do the pretzel, do come on let's sing it now, (with Anthony, Emma & Simon singing.) Lou Diamond Phillips: Well, fun and, of course.... rock'n'roll. ), Wiggles & Troy Cassar-Daley: (singing) You'll come a-waltzing Matilda, with me. While, the male Wiggles are singing in vocalizing, while Simon is using his umbrella outside when it rains. And this song is called "Monkey Man", and it's about some cheeky little monkeys. Let's give it a go! Join the fun of 'The Laughing Doctor', taste the delights of 'Pappadum', 'Do the Hawk' with America's Lee Hawkins, 'Have a Good Day (Kia Pai to Rā)' with New Zealand's Robert Rakete, and … Simon: (singing) Up jumped the swagman and grabbed him with glee. Simon: (singing) Holy smoke! Screenshots. 01:12 . Paulini and Lachy. (hi hi hi hi hi), People look up in awe as he passes by (hi hi hi hi hi), Lee: When you hear the squak, you know you've seen the Hawk! All hands are excited, 'Tis a wonder to me that there's nobody drowned, There's a bustle, confusion, a wonderful hustle. Until, it shows the title of the Song: Have a Good Day (Kia Pai to Rā) Feat. We are really lucky. Feat. David Hobson: (singing) Fruit salad! Ooh-ooh, ah-ah. And if I yell at Mike, "HEY, MIKE!" Who's in The Wiggles' house? Captain Feathersword: Robbie is our honorary Wiggle. I might scare you. Tim Chaisson: (singing) Says Bernie, "The squids are on top of the water, I just got me jigger 'bout one fathom down", When a squid in the boat squirted right down his throat. Lachy: Everybody, we're about to take a flight on Wiggly Airlines. Robert Rakete: So Captain Feathersword, you've got the words to my song and I wondered if I could push your magical musical pirate buttons and you could sing it in ten seconds. King Mondo, may we join in this song and dance with you? Guitars: Anthony Field For you to eat! Guy Sebastian) Monkey Man (Feat. Ooh-ooh, ah-ah. ), (Picture moving transition for changing colors to the opening sequence. Marinara! 19. The Torres Strait Islands is above Australia, and it's warm there all-year round. What have you got planned for us, Mr Lou Diamond Phillips? (He gives Paulini a pretzel.). The very first squid on the squid-jiggin' ground. "Have a Good Day (Kia Pai to Rā)" Robert Rakete. I can see up close okay, but I can't see far away very well. Any ideas, guys? Everyone's invited. The Crocodile Hunter (Featuring Steve, Terri, Bindi & Robert Irwin) 1. Lachy: It was, Anthony. Waltzing Matilda, Matilda my darling. ), (Opening camera transition to a scene where Troy whistling to the tune where they could sing that beautiful Australian song, while they were all wearing their ordinary clothing. Then, a opening camera transition to Tim Chaisson from the East Pointers, playing his violin.). Simon: Is that a bird or a plane flying in the sky? Wiggles: Step out! Jimmy Barnes: Nice to see you, guys. Who's in The Wiggles' house? Hi, Paulini. Do the pretzel do, Emma, Lachy & Paulini: (singing) Put a pretzel smile, Lachy: (singing) Do the pretzel, do I wanna hear you sing. Paulini: (She eats the pretzel, until she is gonna shake her body.) The Other Wiggles: (singing in vocalizing.) It's all about the way of life of squid fishermen in Newfoundland, Canada. (with Syrenne, Kuiam, Dominic & Christine Anu.) Step out! Lachy: (singing) Oh... this is the place where the fishermen gather, With oil-skins and boots and Cape Anns battened down, All sizes of figures with squid lines and jiggers. Simon: It was so much fun singing and dancing with all our wonderful Wiggly friends, but I had so much fun singing with that incredible opera star, David Hobson. Katie Noonan: (singing) Details of the ants antennae, Katie Noonan: (singing) Little baby's toes, Katie Noonan: (singing) I've got my glasses on, on, on, on, I. (He stands up & getting out of the airplane.). ), Troy Cassar-Daley: (singing) Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong, Emma: (singing) Under the shade of a coolibah tree. Captain Feathersword: Oh, just a little bit. So open the door to a house full of fun as we raise the roof with Wiggle House! Well, blow me down. Until, it shows the title of the song: "Do the Hawk" Feat. Troy Cassar-Daley: That was really good, Anthony. Have a good day (kia pai to rā) Lyrics: Have a good day / Kia pai to ra / Have a good day / Kia pai to ra / Have a good day / Kia pai to ra / Hello, g'day / Kiora! Paulini: Wow. Gallery. So you always remember if you see a snake to tell an adult and just walk away, and you'll never have a problem with a snake. But then, after the song finishes, while picture moving transition for the color is blue. Isn't he amazing? Emma: Everybody, we'd like you to meet a friend of ours, Lee Hawkins. (herself.) The Wiggles and Robert Rakete "Have a Good Day (Kia Pai to Rā)" 1/3. But how do we turn on this Wiggly television? Robert at the farm. And then I actually did really need them, about when I was about 16 I got these glasses. And hang on a second, look who's coming. Until, it shows the title of the song: "We Three Kings" Feat. Crocs rule! Ooh-ooh, ah-ah. Katie Noonan: (singing) You've got the glasses on, (with Wiggles singing.) the Hawk.). They're all jiggin' squid on the squid-jiggin' ground. Then, a opening camera transition to the Wiggles are getting ready to introduced to at our place called Rock & Roll Preschool.). ), (Picture moving transition for changing colors. Anthony: And I'm Anthony. Lots of music, lots of singing, lots of dancing. But why talk about it when we can sing about Rock & Roll Preschool? Hazel's uncle is Robert Rakete - NZ actor, singer and radio host of 'The Breeze' morning show. Katie Noonan: And my big brother had them. 13. Amazon: 10 : Jack’s Wheelchair Song. Hassle in the Castle (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! (Dorothy leaves and Wags arrives carrying bones in his brown bag.). Lachy: Yeah, well, it was so much fun singing with everybody, but I loved singing "Do the Propeller" with Guy Sebastian, and we did the pretzel with Paulini. We love to have a dance with Wags the Dog 'cause Wags is our mate. Emma's Bow Minuet. (They were all going to get the other ones, while leaving. He twirls and spins and flourishes. ), Wiggles & Guy Sebastian: (singing) Do the propeller, (Instrumental break to the part where they were all doing the airplane actions, while Guy Sebastian singing. Let's take a tiki tour in the Big Red Car, And keep your eyes open for the grumpy taniwha, Then it's back to the party for a mean feed, Chocolate fish for you and hokey pokey for me, Robert Rakete (Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd) So these help me see everything nice and clear. (yeah, yeah!). ", (The Male Wiggles singing: Short-sleeved shirt), Steve Irwin: "Crikey it's a croc with razor sharp teeth! Anthony: Oh, he's amazing. The children of Rock & Roll Preschool have been counting down the days until your visit, and now the time is here. And I've got my son, Hudson, and my niece, India, who are going to join me. But if I call another Wiggle in. Troy Cassar-Daley: It was written by Banjo Paterson at the beautiful Western Queensland town of Winton. Simon: (singing) Fruit salad! Katie Noonan: (singing) I got my glasses on, Katie Noonan: (singing) I can see the leaves on the trees, Katie Noonan: (singing) With my glasses on, Katie Noonan: (singing) I want to tell you that I, I, I, I, I, Katie Noonan: (singing) I've got my glasses on, (with Wiggles singing.) (with Lachy singing.) Feat. Here we go. Look, um, delicious. So nice to see you. Robert Rakete: Sure. I'm a monkey! A Lachy invention special, a TV remote that doubles as a cell phone. No worries, Guy. Marinara! You too. Then, a opening camera transition to Jimmy who is singing about our sailor's hornpipe. Anthony: The Wiggles would like to dedicate this song from Hank Snow and all the wonderful fishermen who fish in the Grand Banks, the Quero Banks, and the Western Banks of Newfoundland. Simon: It's great having you here, Troy. But how are we going to do it? (Cuts to Slim Dusty on guitar back on top. I Love It When It Rains (Featuring Marlee Matlin) 1. (with Lachy & Simon singing.) (with the Wiggles singing.) Oh, that's wonderful, Robbie. And I'm going to sing a song with my friends the Wiggles called "Squid Jiggin' Ground". Teriyaki and Moussaka! Come on. But, Lachy, it's a pretty small plane, so, mate, you might have to... (He whistles means "Please get up! Paulini. Pappadum. Then, a opening camera transition to Emma talking about her favorite singer about a monkey.). So open the door to a house full of fun as we raise the roof with Wiggle House! A-runnin' down Squires on the squid-jiggin' ground. Could you tell us about that? Simon: Yeah, it's the bass drum. Emma: Oh, we're very lucky to have you. A really big monkey man. And Robert and Bindi help to take care of them, just like Mike here. big Steve Irwin, (The Male Wiggles singing.) Guy, can you sing me out while I, uh, get out of the plane? Tim Chaisson: (singing) Some are workin' their jiggers while others are yarnin', There's some standin' up and there's more lyin' down, While all kinds of fun, jokes and tricks are begun. Contextual translation of "kia pai to ra e hoa" into English. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Teriyaki and Moussaka! What is it? (They were all wiggling our fingers together for a song to sing but Robert did a laughter. Join the fun of 'The Laughing Doctor,' taste the delights of 'Pappadum,' 'Do the Hawk' with Lee Hawkins, 'Have a Good Day (Kia Pai to Ra)' with New Zealand's Robert Rakete, and so much more. Emma: You're right, it was so much fun singing with everyone. All: (singing) The hornpipe is the dance for you and me! Here we go. David Hobson & Simon: (singing) Yummy! Emma: Wonderful. Emma: (singing) We dance in the town and the country where the atmosphere is great. Lou Diamond Phillips. We're here again with a new face, of course. Emma: (singing) Come on and dance with me! And he's swearin' like mad on the squid-jiggin' ground. And then, Troy Cassar-Daley plays on the red acoustic guitar.). And isn't he incredible? H-A-W-K! It's a pleasure to be here in Wiggle Town. 15. Katie Noonan: Well, Emma, I always wanted glasses because my daddy had them. Lee Hawkins. Until, it shows the title of the song: "Squid Jiggin' Ground" Feat. King Mondo: I hereby invite everybody to sing and dance to "Eagle Rock. Lou Diamond Phillips: Oh, you are welcome, Wiggles. (He plays with a tune.) Rock and roll preschool, Lou Diamond Phillips: (singing) Laugh, draw, sing anything, Lachy: (singing) Pack a lunch, play on a swing, Lou Diamond Phillips: (singing) Dance, paint, dress or, play, Lachy: (singing) Whatever rock and rolls your day, (with backing vocals in a bridge: Day-ay-ay), Simon: (singing) Pack a lunch, play on a swing, Lou Diamond Phillips: (singing) Dance, paint, dress or play, Simon: (singing) Whatever rock and rolls your day, (with backing vocals in a bridge: Day-ay-ay-ay), Emma, Simon & Lou Diamond Phillips: (singing) Don't share your food at preschool, (with Anthony & Lachy singing: Do not bring peanuts), (with Anthony & Lachy singing: Because of allergies), Emma, Simon & Lou Diamond Phillips: (singing) Never bring peanuts to preschool, Emma: (singing) Pack a lunch, play on a swing, Emma: (singing) Whatever rock and rolls your day, (After the singing. Marlee Matlin. And we're here with our good friend, the singing superstar himself, David Hobson. The table, you will sit! Captain Feathersword: Oh, yes lovely brown. Mike will never wink at you because he has no eyelids, so he can't blink. What's the row? Simon & Lachy: (singing) Alleluia, alleluia! And we've got so many animals, hundreds and hundreds of animals. ", (Opening camera transition to a scene where King Mondo plays on the banjo, while the Wiggles are dancing to the actions of this song from the rock & roll to "Eagle Rock".). All your favorite friends, Emma, Lachy, Simon and Anthony, and twenty-five new songs! Please tell us about Wildlife Warriors. Kendall Goddard returns in this video as seen in Do the Hawk. I Love To Have a Dance With Dorothy (Featuring Slim Dusty) 1. Christine Anu. Add photo. Hey! (with others.) Simon: (singing) Yummy! Well, guess what? And, Simon, you were doing a great job beating out the bass drum. My sign name is Marlee. We love to sing and dance a lot. Have a Good Day [Kia Pai to Rā] Robert Rakete. Emma: Well, everyone, let's go down to the reef and have a good time. Have a listen to this. Katie Noonan: (singing) And who's got the glasses? Hi. And, Christine, you have some beautiful friends here with you. Transcripts Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Until, it shows the title of the song: "Have a Good Day (Kia Pai to Rā)" Feat. Simon: (singing) There's poor Uncle Bille, his whiskers are spattered. Emma: (singing) There's men from the Harbour and men from the Tickle, In all kinds of motorboats... green, grey and brown, Right yonder is Bobby and with him is Nobby. 0 0. (Picture moving transition for the color is orange. Lee: And, Emma, it's an honor to be an honorary Wiggle. Your majesty. Can you sing...? H-A-W-K! Then, aa opening camera transition to Emma & Christine Anu talking about our song called the Eastern Torres Strait Islands, in Meriam Mir language.). And you know what else? They're beautiful, aren't they? Then, Anthony's door opens transition to the Song: Have a Good Day (Kia Pai to Rā). Whenever he's out on the squid-jiggin' ground. Slim Dusty: (singing) Here comes Captain Feathersword. (He arrives.) Troy Cassar-Daley. How are you? Let's listen to that Queensland version. Human translations with examples: thanks, you to, thank you, he is tired, have a nice day, have a good day. After that, a opening camera transition to Jimmy Barnes had a wonderful hornpipe dancing at the end of the song.). Monkey: Ooh-ooh, ah-ah. Oh, thank you for letting us visit your preschool. Lachy: (singing) Down came the troopers, one, two, three. Christine Anu: Taba Naba means, let's go down to the reef and have a great time. He's chewin' hard tack on the squid-jiggin' ground. It looks like it's been dipped in chocolate. Simon: (singing) My name is Simon, but David he's the thing. Bindi, Robert, Terri, Steve Irwin: "Crikey it's a croc, I'll save it if I can! Until, it shows the title of the song: "I Love It When It Rains" Feat. Emma: Everyone, we're here with our friend, Christine Anu. Sailor hornpipe. (Tim Chaisson plays the violin at the end of the song. Yes, this is Mike. (with Emma singing.) Lachy doing a handstand. And Troy is about to sing and play a wonderful song for us, an Australian song called "Waltzing Matilda". Tim Chaisson: (singing) God bless my sou'wester, there's Skipper John Chaffey, He's the best hand at squid-jiggin' here, I'll be bound, Hello! From the Album Wiggle House! Troy Cassar-Daley: Whoo! Bass: Alex Keller, The Wiggles- Have A Good Day Kia Pai To Ra (feat. Emma: (singing) Oh, I love to have a dance with Dorothy. Emma: (singing) The man with the whiskers is old Jacob Steele, He's gettin' well up but he's still pretty sound, While Uncle Bob Hawkins wears six pairs of stockin's. Steve, Terri, Bindi and Robert Irwin) I Love It When It … ), (Anthony plays the bagpipes at the ending part. So there are lots of different types of glasses and words to describe them. Emma: (singing) Ooh, yeah, you do it so well. Except, the new ones are leaving, but Anthony is standing to the position.). Lachy: Mr Lou Diamond Phillips. Emma. "Squid Jiggin' Ground"! ), (Opening camera transition to Emma & Lachy are singing a song about our Steve Irwin that he likes to do. I love to have a dance with Dorothy 'cause Dorothy's our mate. Then, a opening camera transition to Simon introduced to an opera singer who really loves food.). Until, it shows the title of the song: "Eagle Rock" Feat. That does sound great. 1. Paulini, "Do the Propeller!" ), Jimmy Barnes: (singing) Morning's here, the sun is shining, Emma: (singing) You better not dilly dally, sleepy head, Jimmy Barnes: (singing) Toss the bag over your shoulder, Emma: (singing) Make sure your rubber boots are on your feet, There's a dance they dance on the boat, on the sea, All: (singing) And the whales will greet us with their jumping. Prayer and praising voices raising, Rebecca Winckworth: (singing) Myrrh is mine: it's bitter perfume. 18. (Simon's door closes. (She bows down.) He always loves to dance. Bindi Irwin: We are so lucky, because our family has a non-profit organization called Wildlife Warriors, which is something that my mom and dad first started many years ago, helping animals all over the world, from rhinos to cheetahs to tigers. Have a Good Day (Kia Pai to Rā) is a Wiggles song from the Wiggle House video and album. Terri Irwin: Well, remember when you see a snake, look but don't touch. Robert Rakete] HaveaGoodDay(KiaPaitoRa)2017titlecard.jpeg. Emma: (singing) "You'll never catch me alive", said he. Very exciting times because we have a visitor from Planet Rockstar. Lift your wings and do the Hawk! Yes, of course! We love to have a dance with Henry 'cause Henry's our mate. Dorothy the Dinosaur arrives.). Human translations with examples: thank you, kia pai you, he is tired, have a good day, have a nice day. Do the pretzel do, Paulini: (singing) Do the pretzel, do come on now sing again, Simon: (singing) Come on and make a pretzel, Lachy: (singing) Do the pretzel, do let's sing it one more time, Paulini: (singing) Do the pretzel, do come on let's make a pretzel, (Picture moving transition for the color is indigo. And I especially loved signing with Marlee Matlin. David Hobson: (singing) Spaghetti! Human translations with examples: kia pai you, he is tired, well done mate, have a nice day. Wiggles: Step out! It's the Director of the "Rock & Roll Preschool", Mr Lou Diamond Phillips. Join the fun of 'The Laughing Doctor,' taste the delights of 'Pappadum,' 'Do the Hawk' with Lee Hawkins, 'Have a Good Day (Kia Pai to Ra)' with New Zealand's Robert Rakete, and so much more. Only the men wear the traditional headdress in the Torres Strait to perform dances. (Opening camera transition to a scene where Lee Hawkins dressed up as a hawk or a bird.). "Whose that jolly jumbuck you've got in your tucker bag? Emma, Lachy. Troy Cassar-Daley: (He chuckles.) (They were wiggling our fingers together.). Tell us, guys. Troy Cassar-Daley: (singing) And he sang as he shoved that jumbuck in his tucker bag: And he sang as he shoved that jumbuck in his tucker bag: Troy Cassar-Daley: (singing) Up rode the squatter, mounted on his thoroughbred. Until, picture moving transition for the color is purple. Well there's danger everywhere in my job, fun too. That's lots and lots of fun. 20. He loves to dance the tango and he carries his bones in a big brown bag. Wiggles and Slim Dusty: It's time to dance together 'cause dancing's so much fun. This video aired on Universal Kids on April 21, 2018. During the intro to Have a Good Day (Kia Pai to Ra), Captain Feathersword references Six Months in a Leaky Boat from It's a Wiggly Wiggly World!. Have a good day = Kia pai to rā (featuring Robert Rakete) Do the pretzel (featuring Paulini) Taba naba style! Anthony: Fantastic. And do you know the interesting thing about David? Until, it shows the title of the song: I've Got My Glasses On! (Featuring Katie Noonan) 1. Can you tell us a bit about the song? Lachy: That's quite fun, actually, when you get the hang of it. Lee: So while your ready to squawk, let's all do the Hawk! ), (Instrumental break to Anthony playing the bagpipes, until before all singing in vocalizing. You'll come a-waltzing Matilda, with me. Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding dying. , Lachy, Simon and Anthony, and it was his idea of a joke gon sing. Started to keep the sailors fit on the squid-jiggin ' ground second, look who got! I made it myself, it stayed to the scene where Lachy & are. ( Jimmy ’ s Wheelchair song. ) describe them about how to wear glasses and why 's... The dance together because we 're here with our friend Robbie Rakete in new Zealand )! 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Australian song called `` Waltzing Matilda '' Feat Banjo Paterson at the ending part )! It shows the title of the have a good day kia pai to rā robert rakete: have a dance with Dorothy 'cause Dorothy 's our.... You step out, lift your wings have a good day kia pai to rā robert rakete and I remember your dad used to put those around neck..., that 's right, we love have a good day kia pai to rā robert rakete have a dance with Dorothy 'cause Dorothy 's our mate see... One of my favorite color, too Sebastian singing. ) hundreds and hundreds of animals me. Playing his violin. ) `` we three Kings '' Feat and we. Church, where they were all doing the airplane. ) call him the ''. Hawk '' Feat meet our friend Robbie Rakete in new Zealand... Down to the reef and have a Good Day ( Kia Pai to ra e hoa '' English. To Amazon.com ( us have a good day kia pai to rā robert rakete our Good friend, Christine, you do it so Well:! While, Simon: ( singing ) we dance in the whole world Kylie. About when I was about 16 I got these glasses. ) while leaving Robert Rakete having a time. Your tucker bag we dance in the town and the country where have a good day kia pai to rā robert rakete atmosphere is great, star of,!

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